Modul 01
Introduction to Threat Intelligence
Introduction to Threat Intelligence
Types of Threat Intelligence
Cyber Threat Landscape
Data Collection and Sources of Threat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence Platforms
Threat Intelligence Analysis
Threat Hunting and Detection
Threat Intelligence Sharing and Collaboration
Threat Intelligence in Incident Response
Future Trends and Continuous Learning
TIE – Threat Intelligence Essentials
What is TIE?
Cybersecurity and technology-based mitigation approaches rely heavily on intelligence. This program aims to enhance your understanding and implementation of foundational threat
intelligence concepts, including differentiating intelligence from data or information and highlighting its vital role in modern cybersecurity. Additionally, the program enables students to thoroughly explore the threat intelligence lifecycle, understand its significance in shaping
team roles, delve into the ethical and legal considerations, and understand the importance of measuring threat intelligence effectiveness.
As you progress through the program, you’ll master the different types of threat intelligence: strategic, operational, tactical, and technical. You’ll learn how each uniquely contributes to areas like regulatory compliance and risk management. In the later modules, you’ll engage in hands-on activities that involve data collection, analysis, and the use of Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs) for real-world applications in threat hunting and detection. Put your newly
acquired abilities to the test with an exhilarating Capture the Flag (CTF) Exercise seamlessly integrated in our Capstone project. This CTF is seamlessly integrated by live virtual machines, genuine software, and real networks, all delivered within a secure and regulated sandbox environment. With these exclusive hands-on, human-versus-machine CTF challenges you will develop the hands-on proficiencies essential for success in your cyber professional role.
The program culminates with a forward-looking perspective, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and staying ahead of future trends in this ever-evolving field. Threat Intelligence Essentials is designed to prepare students for progressive careers as Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts, Threat Intelligence Analysts, IT Risk Analysts, or Cybersecurity Analysts, enabling them to confidently tackle today’s cybersecurity challenges with expertise!
What Skills You’ll learn?
Who Is It For?
Course Objectives
The „Threat Intelligence Essentials” course offered by EC-Council is designed to equip participants with fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of cyber threat intelligence. The primary objectives of this course include:
These objectives are essential for training professionals capable of effectively managing and responding to cyber threats, providing a strong foundation for advancing in the cyber intelligence career.
Career Path Opportunities
Exam Information
Exam Title: Threat Intelligence Essentials
Exam Code: 112-57
Number of Questions: 75
Duration: 2 Hours
Exam Availability: ECC Exam Center
Test Format: Multiple choice
ComputerLand Romania vine in intampinarea specialistilor din domeniul securitatii informationale prin incheierea unui parteneriat cu EC-Council, furnizorul unora dintre cele mai apreciate programe de instruire in acest domeniu, si aduce in Romania o gama variata de cursuri si certificari.
iLearn Self-Paced este un program de invatare de la distanta, conceput pentru cei care nu pot participa la un curs live, pentru persoanele care au un program foarte ocupat si doresc sa invete in propriul ritm, prin studiu individual. Acest program de instruire cuprinzator ofera avantajele instruirii la clasa in ritmul propriu.
Lider mondial, EC Council ofera cursuri si certificari de securitate a informatiilor in toate disciplinele majore de securitate a informatiilor, inclusiv securitatea informatica, securitatea calculatoarelor, securitatea retelelor, securitatea aplicatiilor, testarea penetrarii retelelor informatice, criminalistica informatica, si detectarea intruziunilor.
EC-Council estimeaza o rata de succes de peste 90% la examen pentru specialistii IT care studiaza folosind aceste pachete de iLearn pe durata estimata si folosind ghidul de pregatire
Module de instruire on line conduse de instructori experimentati EC-Council
Informatii si Inscrieri Cursuri Ec-Council – Computerland România
Computerland Romania
Soseaua Fabrica de Glucoza 15, Bucuresti 020331