Modul 01
Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Crypto Assets
Blockchain Mining
Ethereum Project
Decentralized Applications (DApps)
Impact on Industry
Industry Use Cases and Business Models
Blockchain Project Implementation
CBP – Certified Blockchain Professional
What is CBP?
The CBP Program is developed to help aspiring professionals gain excessive knowledge in Blockchain Technology and its implication on business & beyond.
What will you learn?
Who Is It For?
What is unique about CRP?
Why Cyber Blockchain Professional Training?
The key advantage of blockchain technology is transparency and security. The actions of all participants are open and visible
in real time, which prevents forgery of information.
As such the demand for blockchain professionals has skyrocketed up to 700% the past years.
The scope is highly positive in Blockchain field as the market is flowing into industry 4.0 with machine learning for blockchain powered IoT and A.I. solutions
Exam Information
Exam Title: Certified Blockchain Professional
Number of Questions: 100
Duration: 3 Hours
Exam Availability: EC-Council Exam Portal
Test Format: Multiple choice
Passing Score: 70%
ComputerLand Romania vine in intampinarea specialistilor din domeniul securitatii informationale prin incheierea unui parteneriat cu EC-Council, furnizorul unora dintre cele mai apreciate programe de instruire in acest domeniu, si aduce in Romania o gama variata de cursuri si certificari.
iLearn Self-Paced este un program de invatare de la distanta, conceput pentru cei care nu pot participa la un curs live, pentru persoanele care au un program foarte ocupat si doresc sa invete in propriul ritm, prin studiu individual. Acest program de instruire cuprinzator ofera avantajele instruirii la clasa in ritmul propriu.
Lider mondial, EC Council ofera cursuri si certificari de securitate a informatiilor in toate disciplinele majore de securitate a informatiilor, inclusiv securitatea informatica, securitatea calculatoarelor, securitatea retelelor, securitatea aplicatiilor, testarea penetrarii retelelor informatice, criminalistica informatica, si detectarea intruziunilor.
EC-Council estimeaza o rata de succes de peste 90% la examen pentru specialistii IT care studiaza folosind aceste pachete de iLearn pe durata estimata si folosind ghidul de pregatire
Module de instruire on line conduse de instructori experimentati EC-Council
Informatii si Inscrieri Cursuri Ec-Council – Computerland România
Computerland Romania
Soseaua Fabrica de Glucoza 15, Bucuresti 020331